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2023 Winter Home Maintenance Guide For Winnipeg Homes

2023 Winter Home Maintenance Guide For Winnipeg Homes

Winter is rapidly approaching, but is your Winnipeg home ready for the onslaught of snow, ice, and frigid temperatures? If you haven't yet completed your winter home maintenance checklist (or if you don't have one even though you know you probably should), don't panic. There's still time to be proactive and get busy preparing your home for winter, even in a short period of time.

In Winnipeg's extreme climate, proper winter home maintenance is vital to your comfort as well as your safety (plus, it can save you a bundle). Below, we've put together an overview of some of the most important tasks you'll want to complete before winter arrives in earnest. At STAR Building Materials in Winnipeg, we have all the supplies you'll need to get the job done right!

If you still have questions about preparing your home for winter after reading this post, visit our store in person to speak with a knowledgeable STAR representative.

Insulation and Weather Stripping

Checking your home's insulation and replacing it or enhancing it as necessary is an obvious first step toward winter preparedness. Proper insulation keeps warm air in and cold air out and can dramatically increase your home's warmth and energy efficiency while also decreasing your heating bills.

When inspecting insulation, pay special attention to areas with high potential for heat loss, such as your attic, basement, and entryways. In addition, consider adding insulation to gaps around plumbing or recessed lighting fixtures.

Weather stripping around windows and doors is a must in Winnipeg homes to keep interiors cozy, so be sure to also inspect all weather stripping and replace or add to it as necessary.

Heating System Maintenance

As winter approaches, investing in a professional furnace inspection is strongly recommended to help avoid unexpected breakdowns once temperatures plummet (you may also want to get your ducts cleaned if it's been a while). Also, be sure to replace heating system filters and make a note in your calendar so that you remember to change them regularly throughout the winter season. Remove and store any window AC units, and consider placing a screen over air intake vents to prevent rodents and other pests from entering.

Roof and Gutter Check

Inspecting your roof before the snow flies is a vital step in preparing for colder temperatures. In addition to identifying areas that may benefit from more insulation and removing any debris, you can also repair any damaged shingles and develop a safe strategy for removing snow and ice from the roof during the winter months if necessary.

Clearing gutters of any debris that has accumulated throughout the summer and fall is also critical. When thawing occurs in the spring (or in warmer spells throughout the winter), you want to be secure in the knowledge that water will drain effectively through proper channels rather than potentially flooding your home.  Clear and clean gutters can also help to prevent ice dams from forming during the winter. 

Plumbing Precautions

The biggest winter plumbing concern is frozen pipes, so add extra insulation to any pipes that run through exterior walls or unheated areas of your home, such as attics, crawl spaces, or the garage. In addition, ensure that your main shut-off valve is easily accessible and take the time to test your sump pump (if you have one).

Window and Door Inspections

Now is the time to seal gaps around windows and doors, replace cracked or broken panes, remove window screens, and inspect weather stripping to increase energy efficiency. Considering window or door replacements or upgrades? STAR Building Materials can help!

Outdoor Preparations

Getting your yard and the exterior of your home winter-ready will involve different steps depending on the type of property you own or rent. That being said, some standard tips include:

Emergency Preparedness

In the event that winter storms cause power outages or prevent you from leaving your home for a period of time, it's crucial to be prepared with adequate emergency supplies. Maintain easy-to-access drinking water, non-perishable food, warm blankets, flashlights, batteries, and other winter emergency supplies and make a plan for emergency situations with family and other residents of your household. You may also wish to invest in an emergency generator and/or maintain a usable supply of firewood (if your home has a wood-burning fireplace or wood stove). Also, be sure to check and replace the batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.

Ready to get started preparing your Winnipeg home for winter 2023/2024? Visit us at STAR Building Materials to get all the supplies and equipment you'll need, plus plenty of support and tips from our friendly and knowledgeable staff.

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